Friday, June 11, 2021

Dale Carnegie's HOW TO WIN FRIENDS & INFLUENCE PEOPLE, an informal review.

You might have observed (and if not, try it!) that your behavior with your loved and near ones is many a times ambiguous. Often they are at the receiving end when you are in rage. Things said or done when you are in rage can unfold consequences in an unfriendly manner. You are well aware of that and despite, you go on committing same mistake again and again, that is so humane and natural. But what is not humane is not taking lessons from it. 

Why am I making stories? I am just building a preface to what I am about to say (write) next.

Dale Carnegie's this piece of work enlightens you...

Firstly, that you are the same character as has been described in various examples of the book.

Secondly, Your behavior is quite natural, which is often the result of circumstances prevailing around you and hence sometimes you are not at fault.

Thirdly, that even if at times, circumstances cannot be in your grip, you have one thing in your hand, potential to change.

Fourth, through examples he neatly says that, "If They can, You can".

The book is filled with real life examples like, one of WALLMART's CEO's own experience, making it easier for reader to corelate. 

The "In a Nutshell" feature, at the end of every part, is really helpful to understand and implement. Especially when comprehensive and bulky chapters have taken you on a ride easy to make you lost, the summary helps to bring you back!

In all, this work of Dale Carnegie has capability of counselling you on improving yourself and your relations with others, without attending to costly appointments of psychiatrists. It helps you experience through vivid examples, through family's point of view, as a customer, as a marketing person, as a business owner and lot more. Of how you could gain optimum results in a prevailing circumstance is the centerpiece of this work.

It is thus not only ONCE A READ book, but I suggest reading it again and again. It will only imprint good ideas in your blood and living a principle and value based life, would become your habit.

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